Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Best Video Ever

I saw this video exactly once, years ago, back when MTV actually played videos. It's for Radiohead's "Karma Police," which is one of my favorite songs off of OK Computer. The video shows a car following a man down a lonely British country road. It pans every now and then to Thom Yorke, who is sitting in the car and half lip-synching. The man stops, exhausted, and the car backs up, revealing a line of gasoline that has been leaking. The man pulls out a match, and lights the gasoline, setting his pursuer's car on fire. Luckily, Thom escaped to continue to make music.

Also, the numbers are in, and evidently In Rainbows sold more copies online (not counting the freeloaders who downloaded it for nada) than Radiohead's previous release, Hail the Thief. The fact that Hail the Thief kind of sucked may or may not have factored in to the sales.

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