Monday, December 29, 2014

Best non-rap albums of 2014

Here are my favorite non-rap albums of 2014, in orderish.

Total Control, “Typical System” This Australian band veers between new wave, post punk, and punk on an album that could’ve come out in 1980 but doesn’t sound like it is trying too hard to be retro.

Angel Olsen, “Burn Your Fire for No Witness” Like a punk Patsy Cline, kind of.

Fucked Up, “Glass Boys” I didn’t love this as much as their last album, but it still is another solid entry in their discography

Aphex Twin, “Syro” He’s back, and it’s like he never left.

Andy Stott, “Faith In Strangers” Beautiful, disorienting, and with chest-shattering bass.

Bleeding Rainbow, “Interrupt” A brilliant 90s shoegaze album, only by kids who were born in the 90s.

Against Me! “Transgender Dysphoria Blues” A rocking punk album about dealing with being transgender.

Panopticon, “Roads of the North” Black bluegrass metal that was powerful and beautiful at the same time.

Ex Hex, “Rips” Old punks deciding to write pop songs telling boys off.

Tombs, “Savage Gold” Heavy, loud, melodic, and perfectly balancing black metal, stoner metal, and hardcore. This album got me listening to metal again.

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